Sunday, February 1, 2015


Well the January 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge has come to an end! What a month! It was a great learning challenge and a definite push into creating on a regular basis again. I chose to work with (and learn how to control) alcohol inks. Alcohol inks often have a mind of their own. I think that is why I am drawn to them. As they disperse on the non-absorbent surface they spread & flow in their own way. They are an acid-free ink that is permanent and dries fairly quickly. The joy and learning process came in learning how to gain control of the inks and manipulate them in a way to incorporate representation images in the art. Below is my final collage of my 30 Paintings in 30 Days.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed seeing these everyday. Excited to see what you have in store next! You work is amazing!
